Thursday, July 5, 2012

There Are Many Ways to Get More Targeted Internet Traffic, But Should You Choose Free Or Paid?

Creating viral marketing means doing simple things such as making use of free e-books or using emails that invite people to your website; these resources are free and very powerful and so are worth using. You can even start your viral marketing by simply sending a witty joke or a beautiful picture or a poem to those who are already in your address book.

These people can, if they liked your joke, picture or poem pass on these to others and in this way you can increase exposure to your website. Do make sure to put your URL along with a heading at the top or even at the bottom of the email and send the jokes, pictures or poems once in a month. Soon, you will succeed in getting more targeted traffic to your website.

Bumper Stickers For Cars

Another way of getting more targeted traffic to your website is through using a free e-book in which you can put your contact details. In addition, you need to induce others to add this free e-book to their websites and to also, as an introduction, provide a message saying the e-book is free and needs to be passed on.

Another powerful means of increasing targeted internet traffic is through setting up of joint ventures. These are nothing but partnerships between you and other people or businesses. You don't even need to create a partnership that is related to your business; any combination will work well though the ones that are related to your business will prove to be the best in so far as directing maximum number of targeted traffic to your website goes.

Yet another option available to you is to use Meta tags. However, for this method to work, you will need to be fully conversant with using Meta tag optimization methods. You can for example try and make use of Google Spider that will find your website and list your website; this too can do wonders for you as far as getting more targeted traffic to your website goes.

If you wish to get maximum online exposure you may even need to go offline and bring in traffic through use of inexpensive marketing techniques that will help make your website more visible and at the same time also dramatically improve your website's online presence. You can for example convert your car into a billboard by placing bumper stickers as well as magnet signs on your car. You could also, for example, distribute your business card at every available opportunity such as leaving it along with a tip when you pay your restaurant bill.

Last but not least, you can get more targeted internet traffic by using the Internet and more particularly by using forums where you can post messages and start discussions and at the same time leave your URL which can help you get more traffic to your website.

There Are Many Ways to Get More Targeted Internet Traffic, But Should You Choose Free Or Paid?

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